Saturday, August 15, 2009

10 years

Today Nate and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We attempted to walk some trails at a local wildlife refuge, which we normally love to do. But today was blazing hot, and before long we were sweating buckets. We had several cameras with us, as we were also hoping to catch some wildlife in action and possibly find a few scenic spots to take some self portraits. I think today was one of the hottest days we've had this summer, and we didn't last too long!

After our short jaunt outdoors, we had an early dinner at Carrabba's (Italian grill) and watched a DVD at home. It was a good day--maybe not as adventurous as last year's wine tour, but still wonderful. I can't help pondering how much our lives have changed since then, and how much they will continue to change this next year. I look forward to these changes with a mixture of joyous anticipation and trepidition. It's frightening not to know what lies ahead. I suppose you could chalk it up to a slightly higher than normal propensity towards morbidity, but I'm not taking anything for granted. There are so many hours and days and weeks that lie between today and this day next year. Getting pregnant has made me ponder all of life's possibilites, both 'good' and 'bad'. It's easy to get caught up in fearing those 'bad' possibilities. But I hope to take advantage of those hours and days and weeks. There is so much to do and so many people to appreciate. My husband, for one. I couldn't ask for a better partner to share this journey with me. Life has been good to me.

Time to get some sleep--tomorrow's my Monday, so back to work.

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